Published Articles and Quotes Referencing the King Report
Here are a list of published audio and video clips, articles and quotes that referencing the King Report:
- 2010 X-Factor Conference, October 2010 (the video may take several seconds to load, mouse over and click on play to start)
- StreetTalk 2010 Conference, 10/1/2010
- King Says U.S. Housing Data `Is Not Good, It’s Less Bad’, 8/24/2009
- Bill King’s In-Depth Look – Continuing Unemployment Claims, 7/23/2009
- 2010 X-Factor Conference, October 2010
- Bill King’s radio interview on McAlvany Weekly Commentary, 09/14/2009
- Bill King’s quote in Wall Street Journal – Dow Drops 213.04, Back Under 11000, 4/27/2010
- The Institutional Risk Analyst: Zombie Love: Barclays and Citigroup? On OTC Derivatives: Interview With Bill King, 03/15/2010
- Barron’s – Strange Bedfollows – Up and Down (by Alan Abelson), 03/08/2010
- The Daily Stox Report cites Bill King (The King Report), 1/19/2010
- World Street Journal cites Bill King on US Stocks Lower, as Financial Sectors Drop, 1/15/10
- King talks about buying stocks 3/3/09
- B King rips Bernanke for talking too much 2006
- Financial Sense cites B King on GS commod index changes 2006
Words from the Investment Wise
Bill King (The King Report): Why have banks not been nationalized?
“There is a major reason why banks have not been nationalized. Too many solons and insiders will lose their equity and stock options. There will be no structural revival until crony capitalism ends.
“Here is a major reason why a bank bailout plan cannot be orchestrated: Banks do not, because they cannot, reveal the amount and magnitude of their toxic paper. We said this in October before TARP and we will reiterate again. The market cannot withstand full disclosure of crappy paper.”
Source: Bill King, The King Report, February 17, 2008.